Born with Defective Enamel

My name is Ashley and I just turned 22. When I was 6 my pediatric dentist told my mom I was born with a defect in the enamel on my teeth. When I was 15, I was diagnosed with an immune disorder called Combined Auto Immune Enterapathy and was in and out of the hospital for 2 solid years, having 4 major surgeries, 90 procedures, and thru all of this, a lot of pain killers and anesthesia. I am well now and no longer having any complications from this immune problem, but in the meantime my teeth continued to deteriorate.

I have no dental coverage and just recently lost my job. I have holes in my teeth, one has broken in half, and one far back molar causes my jaw to hurt all the time. My mom is terribly worried, but can't afford to help much. I've been through a lot of things most people won't go through in a lifetime. Please help me to address my dental concerns. I have a pretty face but I'm afraid to smile and don't know where else to turn or what to do. In addition, I'm so concerned these teeth, in this condition, are becoming infected and will cause me to become ill again. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Ashley Anne Hardy
Charlotte, NC

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