Missing Teeth & Implant Study

I am missing most of my teeth except my front teeth and some of my bottom teeth. I am 49 years old and I can't afford to get dental care. I struggled to help put my two daughters and stepson the through college.

I am so ashamed to smile and I have very low self esteem. I'm always told that I have an attractive face but when I open my mouth there is a totally different perception. I have faced cruelty and jokes about my teeth by other people. My husband is thirteen years older than myself which makes him 62.

Because of my problem, I've been unable to find employment. While I have a bubbly personality which opens doors for job interviews, when I meet with the interviewer in person and I open my mouth to answer questions, I see the interview begin to go downhill. Sometimes, when visiting my daughters and they have their friends or co-workers around, I feel like they are ashamed of me because of my appearance. They often deny this and maybe they aren't - it may just me.

I feel constantly depressed and socialize very little. I don't want to get to know anyone because of the pain and humiliation I have experienced. I try to keep my head up and tell myself that there are other people out there that are going through a lot more than myself. I really try to be objective about life but sometimes it's hard. I'm getting older and I want to feel good about myself again. I still have fillings in some of my teeth the ones that are left when I served in the Army back in 1981. I feel like the children didn't ask to come here so you make ways for them to be productive and grow up feeling good about themselves.

Even though I'm going through this situation with my teeth, looking back, I would do the same thing again for my children. I'm not asking anyone to pity me or feel sorry for me, but I am asking for someone to take my request into consideration.

I thank you and appreciate any dental opportunity presented to the public. I'm going to keep praying and keep the faith that "God Is Going To Bless Me With This Opportunity." I look forward to hearing from you either way. In the meantime I'm not giving up. Thank You So Much.

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